The Massachusetts Library and Information Network (MLIN) logo1
The MLIN Gopher is Here!
On October 24, 1994, the Massachusetts Library and Information Network (MLIN) became a reality. "MLIN provides a connection service to all Massachusetts library catalogs available on the Internet. Some 50 million holdings may be browsed. As technology becomes available and more catalogs are added, MLIN will ultimately become a virtual catalog of Massachusetts library holdings with single search access to some 75 million items as well as a unified interlibrary loan system linking all libraries in the state."2
The MBLC celebrated with a “virtual ribbon cutting” with Lt. Governor Paul Cellucci at Cambridge Public Library.2
TODAY: As the Internet became more widely used, the MBLC shifted information into separate websites - the MBLC Agency site, the consumer portal, and the Newsroom.
What else happened in 1994?
1. Image from MBLC files.
2. MBLC Notes, 1994.
3. [link].
4. AIDSRide - Wikipedia entry [link].