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MBLC Celebrates 125 Years


The Thomas Crane Public Library's record collection numbered over 6,000 by 1957, including about 200 wax cylinder records. These and other pre-electric discs were kept in a non-circulating historical collection, which patrons could listen to in the library. Pictured below are John Agnew and music librarian Jane Rubin cranking an early Edison machine.1

Historical record collection at Thomas Crane Public Library, 1957

Thomas Crane Public Library's historical record collection, 19571

What else happened in 1957?

  • Toyota began exporting vehicles to the U.S.2
  • June 27: Hurricane Audrey swept through Louisiana, killing at least 500 people.3
  • September 4: Arkansas Governor Orval Faubus called out the National Guard to prevent 9 black students from entering a Little Rock high school.4
  • The first practical television remote control, invented by Robert Adler and called the "Space Commander," was introduced by Zenith.5

1. Bay State Librarian (Bulletin of the Massachusetts Library Association), Winter 1957.
2. [link].
3. [link].
4. [link].
5. [link].