M.N. Spear Memorial Library, Shutesbury1
Throughout the 1980s, Massachusetts libraries continued to benefit from the strengthening State Aid program. In 1982, Shutesbury in Franklin County and Aquinnah on Martha's Vineyard participated for the first time.2

Aquinnah Public Library3
What else happened in 1982?
- The first Banned Books Week was organized by the ALA.
- Designed by Maya Lin, a 21-year-old student from Yale, the Vietnam War Memorial broke ground in the March 1982 and was dedicated later that year in November. An eight-member jury chose Lin's design from a pool of 1,421 anonymous submissions.4
In April 2015, Smith College announced that Lin, in partnership with national design firm Shepley Bulfinch, has been selected to redesign the college's Neilson Library.
- In April, the Falkland Islands, a British colony, were invaded by Argentina.5
- Disneyworld in Florida opened the EPCOT (Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow) Center in October.6
1. www.shutesbury.org [link].
2. MBLC Notes, 1982.
3. vineyardgazette.com [link].
4. www.vvmf.org [link].
5. news.bbc.co.uk [link].
6. EPCOT - Wikipedia entry [link].