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Finding Common Ground

A Matter of When, not If: Preventing and Preparing for Disasters

Disaster Planning introduces participants to the foundation of writing a disaster plan: the stakeholders, the questions, the planning and available templates.  The session also introduces  Continuity of Operations Plans (COOP), working with vendors (see COSTEP MA’s “Establishing Relationships with Disaster Recovery Vendors” ( Disaster-Recovery-Vendors.pdf).  The afternoon introduces the cultural heritage participants in particular to the essentials of fire, what influences a burn, and how to work with their local first responders. The day ends with an introduction to the Incident Command System (ICS), a management system for organizing emergency response, whether the event is large or small, or affects public or private institutions.

Each participant is then encouraged to complete at least 50% of one of the disaster planning templates for their own institution as homework.

At this workshop, all participating institutions and fire departments can get a copy of FAIC’s Working with Emergency Responders poster if organizers wish to purchase.