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Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners Resource Guide Collection

Managing Your Construction Grant (2016-2017 Round): The MBLC's Role

We're here for you

The role of the MBLC's Library Building Specialists in your project is to help you design and construct a functional and forward-looking library building. You'll meet with us frequently during the process, and we're available to help when you need us. Don't hesitate to contact us with your questions!

questions answered here even the silly ones


Expect to meet with your MBLC building specialist several times during the project:

  1. Post-award debrief and discussion of the reviewer's comments
  2. Several times during revision of schematic design
    • When major design decisions or changes are discussed
    • Before final approvals
  3. As needed during DD (design development) and CD (construction documents) phases
  4. At groundbreaking
  5. Quarterly during construction
  6. After shelving & at least some furniture are in
  7. At grand opening

Contact Us

Need more information or help along the way?

Andrea Bono-Bunker
Library Building Specialist
617-725-1860, x246