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Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners Resource Guide Collection

State Aid Annual Report: FY2023

Annual summary information for the MBLC State Aid to Public Libraries program

FY2023 State Aid to Public Libraries

For FY2023, the State Aid program grants totaled $16 million, the largest in the program's 100 year history. For the third year in a row, the program has maintained the record high of 347 municipalities and their libraries being certified.

Libraries in Duxbury, Fairhaven, Hanover, Lawrence, Stoughton, Walpole, Ware and Woburn received Municipal Appropriation Requirement (MAR) waivers.

All libraries met their hours open requirement as the standard was still suspended for this fiscal year. The materials expenditure requirement was not suspended which resulted in 4 libraries requiring the use of the Accommodation Policy for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic. Those 4 libraries saw a 12.5% reduction in their awards.

This website, and other programs of the MBLC, is funded in part with funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency that fosters innovation, leadership, and a lifetime of learning.