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Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners Resource Guide Collection

Making the Most of the Space You Have

Children's areas

Use your walls!


Lego wall

A Lego wall makes play possible without the need for a Lego table.

This metallic panel attached to the wall provides endless possibilities with magnets.

Magnetic wall with alphabet pieces

Stacking cushions

Individual cushion

Contemporary schooldesk chairs

Compact, fun seating always works in children's areas.

Teen Spaces

Look for innovative options for seating in teen rooms, like these "Livingstones" cushions.



Below left is a window that teens can personalize with markers, making it their own.

Below right is a tiny teen space carved out beside a mezzanine railing at Salem (MA) Public Library.

Cushions simulating stones

Marker window

Teen themed seating

Teen library space with bright colors

Whiteboard tables

Above is a pair of whiteboard tables that teens can draw on.

To the left is the Teen Room at the West Tisbury (MA) Free Public Library, with bright colors and flexible layout.