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Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners Resource Guide Collection

Trustees: Library Policies

Information, resources, and advice for library trustees in Massachusetts.


Strong library policy is one of the best ways to protect library staff and the library as an institution. It is vital to the success of any library to have policies that are:

  • Current
  • Abide by local, state and federal laws
  • Understood by everyone involved in library operations
  • Respond to the way your library operates now

Library Trustees are often the authorizing body of library policy. Therefore, it is essential that, as a Trustee, you are not only familiar with what policies your library has, but also:

  • What they entail
  • How current they are
  • If they are working for the library now (even if they may have worked well before)
  • What rationale makes any policy important to your library
  • How readily accessible your policies are

The policies and guidelines you find on this page are not an exhaustive list. They are the bare minimum of what your library should have ready and up-to-date. If you would like any guidance on library policy, please reach out anytime

MLS Policy Collection

Logo for Massachusetts Library System

Massachusetts Library Systems offers an extensive library policy collection. They are readily available and can be especially useful when extensively revising or creating a new policy for your library. Their consultants are another great resource, along with the MBLC, for policy advice.

Essential Policies

How a library approaches policy will likely differ slightly from library to library, Board to Board. However, there are some basic functions of a public library that make the following policies an essential part of your policy packet:

What Is Policy?

Policy is: 

  • Broadly stated guideline for actions and decisions
  • Any governing document describing a plan or principle
  • General statement for supporting library operations, rules, regulations and use
  • Basis for procedures, but not a detailed course of action
  • Statement in accordance with the purpose and legal structure of the library

Policy should:

  • Evolve to reflect the library's mission/vision statement, current strategic plan and long-range goals
  • Reflect local conditions and needs
  • Express a commitment to service and leadership

Best Practices

Here are some best practices the MBLC offers on a good-faith basis. This does not constitute legal advice. How you approach these best practices is highly individualized and should be regularly discussed as a Board.

  • Check policies on a regular, rotating schedule
    • This ensures that no policy gets neglected or out of date
    • Even if the policies you review on schedule don't get changed at that time, it's important that you are always evaluating them for relevance to how your library is operating now.
    • Review schedules should be discussed as a Board with your Director to determine what's best for your library.
  • Post policies somewhere on the library's website
    • Policy shouldn't be secret! The more people familiar with them, the more likely they will be followed.
  • Check other neighboring libraries' policies
    • If they have policies your library doesn't, consider why and if this is something that would be beneficial for your library
  • Consider your community
    • How do you want to shape your library to fit your community's needs? 
    • How would your community benefit from knowing your library's expectations of them? 
  • Get legal advice!
    • If at all possible, have a municipal solicitor look over your policy to ensure compliance with all local, state, and federal laws. 

Policy is Opportunity

Having clear expectations and guidelines for everyone in the library - staff and patrons - is an opportunity for the Board to demonstrate their commitment to keeping their library a safe, welcoming space for everyone in their community. Strong, updated policy is an opportunity for the Board to: 

  • Increase trust and accountability
  • Reduce ambiguity
  • Dispel appearance of bias and arbitrariness
  • Support the library's plans, goals and objectives
  • Protect the rights and fair treatment of all patrons and staff

Policy is one of the best ways to demonstrate to your community that you have your library's best interest at heart.