The applicant background and project summary are two separate short sections in the application.
The Project Director is the point person for the grant and will be responsible for submitting reports. This may be the library director, or it might be another staff person. That is up to you to decide.
Think of the project abstract as your elevator speech – a quick way to sum up your project to anyone. Write this section last. As you are developing your proposal, what you start out thinking you’re going to do can change, sometimes significantly.
Some grant categories have the option of 1 or 2 years. The time frame chosen should be about the project and how much time it needs, not how much time you would like to work on it.
All recipients must have a unique entity identifier (UEI). These grants are sub-awards and do not require an entity registration.
The UEI must be for the parent organization. For instance, a public library would use the municipality's UEI. Please check with your consultant if you are unsure who that is.
This website, and other programs of the MBLC, is funded in part with funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a federal agency that fosters innovation, leadership, and a lifetime of learning.